Customer Spotlight: People’s views and experiences of water 2024

Our joint Customer Spotlight research with Ofwat looks at people’s views and experiences of water, this includes customers’ understanding and awareness of their water companies, as well as their views on affordability and trust.
Key findings
- Less than a quarter (23%) of respondents said they trust water providers to do what’s right for the environment down from 31% in 2021
- Just 21% believe that water providers actively promote environmental interests, a decrease from 27% in the previous study
- 40% of respondents agree that water companies are more interested in profits than providing a good service, compared to 33% previously. Only 31% agree that water providers offer a good service, down from 40% in 2021
- The perception of value for money has declined, with only 22% agreeing that water services offer adequate value, compared to 29% in 2021
- Satisfaction with the quality of water services has dropped to 58% from 65% in 2021, while satisfaction with wastewater and drainage services has fallen to 49% from 56% in the initial study